  • Family doctor consultation €40.00

    Family doctor home visit €60.00

    Holter monitoring, home visit €90.00

    Cardiologist consultation €70.00

    Oncologist chemotherapy specialist consultation €70.00

Cardiac research
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) €15.00

    Holter monitoring €60.00

    Echocardiography (ECHOCG) €75.00

    Dopplerography of the vessels of the head (DUPLEX) €45.00

    Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck (DUPLEX) €45.00

    Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck (DUPLEX) €95.00

Ultrasonography (USG)
  • Soft Tissue Ultrasound (USG) €50.00

    Salivary Glands Ultrasound (USG) €50.00

    Thyroid Gland Ultrasound (USG) €50.00

    Breast Glands Ultrasound (USG) €60.00

    Abdominal Organs Ultrasound (USG) €55.00

    Small Pelvic Organs Ultrasound (USG) €50.00

    Testicular Ultrasound (USG) €50.00

    Transrectal Prostate Ultrasound (USG) €55.00

    *Examination of one area by Dr. Alla Khachaturyants €70.00

📝 Pieteikuma forma

Galvas un kakla asinsvadu doplerogrāfija (DUPLEX)

1 novembrī

Ļauj atklāt aterosklerozi, trombus, aneirismas un citas patoloģijas. Tiek izmantota slimību diagnosticēšanai, kā arī profilaktiskajiem izmeklējumiem, īpaši cilvēkiem ar riska faktoriem.