
Echocardiography (ECHO)

Echocardiography is a harmless and painless examination used to assess the health of the heart. Similar to ultrasound (USG), this examination utilizes ultrasound, making it entirely safe and suitable for pregnant women. Echocardiography can diagnose various congenital or acquired heart diseases, diabetes, and is essential for those planning chemotherapy examinations or other types of surgical interventions in internal organs. Echocardiography is a completely painless procedure that can be performed on anyone. It is a quick and effective examination to identify the causes of various health problems and illnesses.

Echocardiography can determine:

In the clinic, echocardiography examinations are conducted by Jeļena Šafro and Gaļina Blūmentāle. You can schedule a visit quickly by filling out the application form below, clicking on the “Piearsta.lv” button (authorization through the www.piearsta.lv portal), or by calling us at 255 89 505. Various health insurance policies are accepted for payment.

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Useful Information

We have compiled frequently asked questions about echocardiography, and we hope that this information will be helpful to you. It will help you understand the course of this procedure and better prepare for the upcoming examination.

When should echocardiography be performed?

– If there are complaints about heart rhythm
– Numbness in the limbs
– Elevated blood pressure
– Sensations of pain in the heart area
– Shortness of breath
– Heart murmurs
– After myocarditis
– If there is reduced physical endurance

When should echocardiography not be performed?

Echocardiography is entirely harmless and painless, and it can be performed on pregnant women and children. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated several times, as it has no negative impact on the body. If a patient has a chronic heart condition, prescribed medication should be taken both before and after the examination as usual. There is no special preparation required for this procedure.

How long does this examination take?

The examination usually takes 15-20 minutes. However, it is advisable to arrive at the medical center at least 10 minutes before the appointment to register. Then the doctor will examine you, and you can prepare for the examination. The total visit time could be approximately 30 minutes. Don’t forget to bring a valid ID, such as an ID card or passport.

What to bring to echocardiography?

Bring along any previous examinations or test results if available, so the doctor can review your medical history.

Cost of echocardiography:

– Echocardiography with Hemodynamic Index Determination and Doppler Measurements €65

Do you have any more questions?

Call us at +371 255 89 505, and we will assist you.

Galvas un kakla asinsvadu doplerogrāfija (DUPLEX)

1 novembrī

Ļauj atklāt aterosklerozi, trombus, aneirismas un citas patoloģijas. Tiek izmantota slimību diagnosticēšanai, kā arī profilaktiskajiem izmeklējumiem, īpaši cilvēkiem ar riska faktoriem.