
Vladislavs Kopitkovs

Vladislavs Kopitkovs is an experienced ultrasound specialist. As a broad-spectrum specialist, Vladislavs not only performs ultrasound (USG) examinations but also X-rays (RTG), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations.

Most of his professional experience has been gained at Riga 1st Hospital, where he served as the head of the diagnostic radiology clinic department.

Additionally, as a member of the Latvian Radiologists Association and the Latvian Ultrasonographers Association, Vladislavs regularly enhances his knowledge by attending various international conferences.

More information about ultrasound can be found .


You can quickly and easily book an appointment by filling out the application form below or clicking the Piearsta.lv button (authorization through the www.piearsta.lv portal), or by calling us at 255 89 505. Various health insurance policies are also accepted for payment.

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Ļauj atklāt aterosklerozi, trombus, aneirismas un citas patoloģijas. Tiek izmantota slimību diagnosticēšanai, kā arī profilaktiskajiem izmeklējumiem, īpaši cilvēkiem ar riska faktoriem.