
About us
Grand Medical

Regular check-ups are the key to your health!
Modern diagnostic methods, such as ultrasonography (USG), echocardiography (ECHO), and Doppler imaging (DUPLEX), help detect hidden threats at the earliest stages when treatment is most effective and accessible.

Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer are the main health challenges of modern life. However, with advanced medical technologies, they can be detected in time and addressed!

At Grand Medical, diagnostics are performed by certified specialists with extensive experience. We guarantee accurate examinations and the highest level of care for your health!

Don’t delay taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones! Schedule an appointment today!

Why choose us?


Comprehensive health examination


Cardiologist, and other specialists

Heart examinations

ECG, Echo, Holter monitoring, Duplex


Ultrasound of all internal organs

Women's health

Breast and pelvic ultrasound

Men's health

Prostate ultrasound

Children's health

Ultrasound for children

Certified specialists
Various examinations
Satisfied patients
0 +
Our Specialists
What do our patients say about us?

Our customers are always satisfied. We always provide quality services and a pleasant visit to our specialists.

Our Contacts


Stirnu iela 8, Rīga, "Valeo"


+ 371 255 89 505

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Galvas un kakla asinsvadu doplerogrāfija (DUPLEX)

1 novembrī

Ļauj atklāt aterosklerozi, trombus, aneirismas un citas patoloģijas. Tiek izmantota slimību diagnosticēšanai, kā arī profilaktiskajiem izmeklējumiem, īpaši cilvēkiem ar riska faktoriem.