starts with diagnostics!
Grand Medical
Regular check-ups are the key to your health!
Modern diagnostic methods, such as ultrasonography (USG), echocardiography (ECHO), and Doppler imaging (DUPLEX), help detect hidden threats at the earliest stages when treatment is most effective and accessible.
Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer are the main health challenges of modern life. However, with advanced medical technologies, they can be detected in time and addressed!
At Grand Medical, diagnostics are performed by certified specialists with extensive experience. We guarantee accurate examinations and the highest level of care for your health!
Don’t delay taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones! Schedule an appointment today!
- Experienced industry specialists
- High-quality health care with modern technologies
- A wide range of services
- Fast and convenient registration
- We accept various health insurance policies
- Convenient location
- Free parking
Family doctor consultation €40.00
Family doctor home visit €60.00
Holter monitoring, home visit €90.00
Cardiologist consultation €70.00
Oncologist chemotherapy specialist consultation €70.00
Consultation with a cosmetologist €35.00
Electrocardiography (ECG) €15.00
Holter monitoring €60.00
Echocardiography (ECHOCG) €75.00
Dopplerography of the vessels of the head (DUPLEX) €45.00
Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck (DUPLEX) €45.00
Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck (DUPLEX) €95.00
Soft Tissue Ultrasound (USG) €50.00
Salivary Glands Ultrasound (USG) €50.00
Thyroid Gland Ultrasound (USG) €50.00
Breast Glands Ultrasound (USG) €60.00
Abdominal Organs Ultrasound (USG) €55.00
Small Pelvic Organs Ultrasound (USG) €50.00
Testicular Ultrasound (USG) €50.00
Transrectal Prostate Ultrasound (USG) €55.00
*Examination of one area by Dr. Alla Khachaturyants €70.00
Our Specialists
Cardiologist Research
EHO, DUPLEX, EKGAlla Khachatryants has many years of experience working at the well-known clinic “Rakus Gaiļezers”.
Helen Shafro
Certified Cardiologist, Echocardiography SpecialistShe consults and performs echocardiography (ECHO), using the most modern solutions for patients with chronic heart diseases, heart failure, chronic heart rhythm disorders, and other heart diseases read more
Galina Blumentale
Certified Cardiologist, Duplex specialistCertified cardiologist-diagnostician with many years of experience. Member of the Latvian Society of Cardiologists and Neurosonologists. Specializes in echocardiography (ECHO) and Doppler (DUPLEX) examinations read more
What do our patients say about us?
Our customers are always satisfied. We always provide quality services and a pleasant visit to our specialists.
Dr Alla Hačaturjanca ir profesionālis savā jomā. Viņa man visu ļoti skaidri un sīki paskaidroja. Rūpīgi apskatīja iepriekšējos ultraskaņas rezultātus un citas vizītes. Šī bija mana pirmā reize ar tik gādīgu ārstu. Jau esmu ieteicis saviem draugiem.
PacientsPirmoreiz Grand medical un tiešām labs iespaids, operatīva atbilde, laba komunikācija. Ārkārtīgi laipna un draudzīga meitene reģistratūrā un daktere Jeļena Šafro
PacienteIzcila medicīnas iestāde. Profesionāla apkalpošana. Īpaši dr Blūmentāle. Paldies!