
Galina Blumentale

Galiņa Blumentāle, a cardiologist, successfully performs the following diagnostic examinations at our clinic: Holter monitoring, echocardiography (ECHO), and Doppler (DUPLEX) examinations for adults, using the latest equipment in the field.

She graduated from Riga Medical Institute in 1985 with a medical degree. She completed her internship at the National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. N. Bakulev in Moscow. Galiņa Blumentāle is a member of the Latvian Society of Cardiology, as well as the Latvian Association of Neurosonology and the Latvian Society of Echocardiography.

You can quickly and easily book an appointment by filling out the application form below or clicking the Piearsta.lv button (authorization through the www.piearsta.lv portal), or by calling us at 255 89 505. Various health insurance policies are also accepted for payment.

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Galvas un kakla asinsvadu doplerogrāfija (DUPLEX)

1 novembrī

Ļauj atklāt aterosklerozi, trombus, aneirismas un citas patoloģijas. Tiek izmantota slimību diagnosticēšanai, kā arī profilaktiskajiem izmeklējumiem, īpaši cilvēkiem ar riska faktoriem.